CYBERJAYA: Primary Guard, in partnership with Cloudflare, co-organize their first-ever joint virtual roundtable, exclusively for C-levels for thought-provoking discussions on the cybersecurity industry and success stories.
Placing extra attention on matters involving cloud security, the virtual experience was held via Zoom. Panelists comprised of Terrence Yong, Director, Enterprise Sales at Primary Guard, Kelvin Lim Solutions Engineering Manager (SEAK, GCR) at Cloudflare, and Suzairul Izan Sulaiman, Manager, Digital Platform at Media Prima as a special guest; with Robbie Loke from elfo as the moderator.
The discussion opened up with Kelvin presenting “Securing The Internet From The Edge”, in which he talked about the importance of the security of data from the internet. With the increased digitization of the industry, there is also an evolution of ways crime and attacks can be done through cyberspace.
“The largest attack that Cloudflare managed to thwart was a 17.2M request-per-second (rps) distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that came from 20,000 bots. Based on the bots’ IP address, the attacks originated from Indonesia and India of about 15% and 17% respectively,” said Kelvin.
Kelvin ended his presentation with an assurance of what Cloudflare offers to those who are interested, which includes:
- Reduction of operating cost and total cost of ownership.
- Comprehensive protection from DDoS and other forms of web attacks.
- Improvement in user experience and digital assets.
“No matter if it’s a small or a big company, cybersecurity is a must, especially when most data and operations of an enterprise are managed in the cyberspace and is completely vulnerable if not protected well,” commented Robbie as he summarized the presentation.
“Not only that, considering the widening of scope of the issue, more security companies are able to define what the threats are and how to counter them. This adds value to non-security companies as the packages provided by the security companies are more comprehensive,” said Suzairul. “The idea of a cyberattack that can shut a site down and disrupt the operations of a whole company at any given time in this internet era has become a strong reason for companies to highly invest in cybersecurity.”
Towards the end of the discussion, Kelvin gave one last comment on the future of cybersecurity in the coming years stating that the frequency of cyber threats will increase and has increased because more and more commercial activities are now being done in cyber space. “To regulate this increasing issue, we need a solution that is elastic or scalable, something that can be used in large scale and able to adapt to different situations. That is why Cloudflare provide comprehensive parameters protection for digital assets against more and more cyberattacks.”
About Primary Guard
Primary Guard is a data protection company that provides security on the cloud, data analytics, and disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS). The company helps businesses minimize the impact of cyberthreats, improve efficiency, and maintain essential functions during or after disaster occurrences. Its innovative solutions offer business owners improved and uninterrupted day-to-day operations, giving them a competitive advantage in the international market.
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